据外媒报道, 尽管经典亲子阅读绘本《Goodnight Moon(晚安月亮)》中包含了那句令人不安的“goodnight air” ,但这似乎远没有最近发布的Arianna Huffington的最新有声书《Goodnight Smartphone(晚安智能手机)》来的“恐怖”。这部有声书的简介如下:那些没有睡眠仪式的人,他们的电子设备是“睡眠剥夺吹嘘者”,并“缺乏常识”。
外媒编辑认为,儿童有声书《Goodnight Smartphone》的一些内容对于孩子(甚至成年人)来说太过沉重。 其中一些内容如下:
“Goodnight moon that I can’t see because of my blackout curtains.”(晚安月亮,因为我的遮光窗帘我看不到它。)
“Goodnight house; goodnight problems with spouse.”(晚安房子; 与配偶的晚安问题。)
“Goodnight sleep-killing blue light from my electronic devices that I have escorted out of the room.”(晚安我电子设备中影响睡眠的蓝光,我已经将其护送出房间。)
“Goodnight sheets, goodnight tweets.”(晚安床单,晚安推文。)
“Goodnight two little kittens sleeping anywhere but on the bed.” (Oh? Okay.)(“晚安两只小猫,它们可以睡在除了床上的任何地方。”(哦?好吧。)
“Goodnight caffeine, which I stop drinking no later than 2:15.”(晚安咖啡因,我在不晚于2点15分前将停止喝酒。)
“Goodnight laptop, which, as a repository for all my daily anxieties and fears has been closed for the night.”(晚安笔记本电脑,这个我所有日常焦虑和恐惧的存储库已在晚上关机了。)
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight pleasant amount of light coming from the moon
Goodnight phone
Which is right here in case someone I love has an emergency
Goodnight roommate
And other roommate
Saying “good night” to people
Instead of objects
Is a good way to act normal
And show care
Goodnight little room
And goodnight Ghost
That’s the name of my cat
And I don’t believe in ghosts
Goodnight laptop
Which is technically still on
I like to watch TV while I fall asleep
I think it’s fine